Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Graveyards are a good thing now but what about in the future? In about sixty to seventy years they wont be so attractive, they will be falling apart and in ruins. Even if the caretakers tend to them, over the years the grave stones and memorials will just fall apart.
Cremation is the best way to go for more than one reason. Cremation saves a lot of space and the families can keep their loved ones with them. If the family were to move, they aren't going to move the bodies with them, but if they are cremated then they can. Plus, graveyards creep a lot of people out!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Building the Pipeline (dun dun dun)

We originally signed a treaty with Mexico to give them one third the water in the Colorado river. We are now breaking that treaty. Mexico is getting far less than the amount promised to  them. Once the river actually reaches Mexico its about 8 feet wide. A pipeline is wanted to help get more water into Mexico.

The pipe would run between Denver and Leavenworth. Most people think the idea of running a pipeline to save water is a good idea but a lot of people dont. BUt we agreed with Mexico to give them water and we aren't, but we should be.

Water Wars

Every minute 7 people die from bad water, or no water. Some countries have more people than they do water, some are the opposite South America being one of them. The Guarani aquifer in South America could provide 100 liters of water a day to 5.5 billion people for 200. Asia has 60% of the world population and only 36% of the worlds water, SOuth America has 6% of the worlds population and 26% of the worlds water. Some of the places with the worst water are, Belgium, and Morocco.

Over 1.3 billion people have no access to clean water. At least 2.2 million people die annually from diseases related to poor sanitation and contaminated drinking water. The United Nations estimate the world's per capita water supply will drop by 1/3in the next 20 years. The countries with the best water are Finland, Canada, New Zealand, UK, and Japan.

In areas with rapildly growing populationsthe water may be running low because there are so many people taking it. It becomes a problem when you have more people than you do water. It has become obvious that larger populated areas dont have enough water and lower populated areas have more than enough water.

There have been more than 1,831 water related interactions between countries in the past 50 years. only 21 actually involved military violence. There are very few places where water-poor countries can attacke water-rich countries. Water sortages will most likely resort in violence.